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  • Салпингограф Riester


    896,37 лв.

    Riester Salpingograph

    Fertility diagnosis

    Salpingograph – designed for hysterosalpingography and diagnosis of fertility according to Prof. Dr. Schultze.

    Product details

    This proven quality instrument from Riester is used in the diagnosis of fertility and in hysterosalpingography according to Prof. Dr. Schultze.
    It allows an exact x-ray contrast image to be made of the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes and is used as a simple test for tubal patency. Hysterosalpingography serves to provide an x-ray contrast image of the cervix, uterine cavity and the tubal lumen.

    • Quality manometer with range 0 to 200 mm Hg displayed in graduations of 10 mm Hg
    • High-quality fine mechanical finish with chrome-plated metal parts
    • The instrument can also be read in the dark thanks to the luminescent substance used on the scale
    • Pressure created with a 20 ml syringe via a Luer-lock connector
    • Incl. 3 chrome-plated sealing cones in small, medium and large sizes
    • Holding device for two uterus fixation forceps
    • Complete in impact-resistant case


    Height7 cm
    Weight200 gm
    Breadth15 cm
    Length30 cm
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